Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
702 lines
; Assembly language learning project for Thomas Hill
; Goal: To design and implement a windowing package in assembly language.
; Version: 1.0 Jan 1989
; Version: 1.1 01/27/89 - corrected window size problem with InitWindow/
; EraseTopWin on last (original) window.
; The routines defined here depend upon the routines found in
; David Bennett's "VIDEO.ASM" file.
IDEAL ; use TASM's ideal mode
MODEL SMALL ; and small model
INCLUDE 'VIDEO.INC' ; global values
; define window record structure
Row DB 1 ; top left window row
Col DB 1 ; leftmost column
Hite DB 25 ; hieght of window
Wide DB 80 ; width of window
FAtr DB Reverse ; frame attribute, if framed
BAtr DB Normal ; background attribute for fill
Flags DB SaveBit+FrameBit+FillBit
Title DB 20 DUP (0) ; title storage
SavePtr DW 0 ; segment address of saved screen
TITLEFLD EQU 07H ; offset to title in structure
MAXWINDOW EQU 15 ; maximum number of windows
; Data Area
WinList WinRec 5 DUP (<>) ; array of window structures
TopWindow DB 0 ; current window structure
WinInUse DB 0 ; windows currently defined
;copy of the 'current' window displayed
CurWin WinRec <1,1,25,80,Reverse,Normal,07H,?>
WRSize equ SIZE CurWin ; size of the window structure
CurWinPtr DW 0 ; pointer into array
; Code Area
; Procedure to check the current row,col against the current window limits.
; If the input row or column is outside the window, the ZERO flag is set.
; Input
; AH - Row
; AL - Col
; Returns ZERO if outside current window
push ax
push bx
cmp ah,[CurWin.Row]
jl NoGood ; check against upper row
cmp al,[CurWin.Col]
jl NoGood ; and upper left column
mov bl,[CurWin.Row]
add bl,[CurWin.Hite]
cmp ah,bl
jge NoGood ; check lower row limit
mov bl,[CurWin.Col]
add bl,[CurWin.Wide]
cmp al,bl
jge NoGood ; and rightmost column
xor ax,ax ; all ok, reset zero flag
inc ax
pop bx
pop ax
NoGood: xor ax,ax ; set ZERO and exit
pop bx
pop ax
PROC GetCurWin
; This procedure will compute the offset to the specified window record
; A pointer is returned in the DS:SI pair. If the requested window is
; and invalid handle, the CARRY flag is set on return.
; Input
; AL - window number(handle)
; Output
; CY reset - DS:SI altered
; CY set - no changes
push ax
push bx
jg GCW_Bad
mov ah,0 ; make sure AH = 0
mov bx,WRSize ; size of the window structure
mul bx
mov si,OFFSET WinList
add si,ax ; SI now points to window record
mov [CurWinPtr],si ; so does this
pop bx
pop ax
clc ; clear the carry flag
pop bx
pop ax
stc ; set the carry
ENDP GetCurWin
PROC FrameWindow
; THis procedure creates a frame around the specified window coordinates
; Input
; AH - Top row
; AL - left column
; BH - number of rows
; BL - number of columns
; DH - attribute for frame
; Output
; None
push cx
push dx
push ax
push bx
mov bl,'╒'
mov bh,dh
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; upper left corner
inc al
pop bx
push bx
dec bl
dec bl ; account for left/right edges
xor cx,cx
mov cl,bl
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'═'
call DWriteCH ; top edge
pop bx
push bx
dec bl
dec bl
add al,bl ; end of row
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'╕'
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; upper right corner
pop bx
pop ax
dec bh
inc ah ; row counter
dec bh ; rows to do
jz FW_Bottom
push ax
push bx
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'│'
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; left edge
pop bx
push bx
add al,bl
dec al
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'│'
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; right edge
pop bx
pop ax
jmp FW_Loop
push bx
mov bl,'╘'
mov bh,dh
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; lower left corner
inc al
pop bx
push bx
dec bl
dec bl
xor cx,cx
mov cl,bl
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'═'
call DWriteCH ; bottom edge
pop bx
push bx
dec bl
dec bl
add al,bl
mov bh,dh
mov bl,'╛'
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; lower right corner
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
ENDP FrameWindow
PROC InitWindows
; This procedure initializes the window array and data structures,
; The procedure checks the available memory from DOS using the Allocate
; Memory Block DOS call. If no memory is available in that manner,
; we return an error.
; Note that the contents of the screen at the time of initialization is
; saved into window 0. A final ERASETOPWIN call will restore the screen
; contents at the time INITWINDOWS was called.
; Input
; None
; OutPut
; CARRY is SET if we could not find any un-used memory.
; If CARRY is not set, then AL contains the maximum number of
; windows that may be defined.
push si
push di
push dx
push cx
push bx
mov bx,MAXSIZE SHR 4
mov ah,48H ; allocate memory block
int 21H
jc IW_NoMem ; no memory available
; if we have enough memory, save the screen at program startup in window 0
push ax
mov ax,0
call GetCurWin ; point to window 0
pop ax
mov [(WinRec PTR si).SavePtr],ax
push es
mov es,ax ; set up to save screen
xor di,di
mov ah,[(WinRec PTR si).Row]
mov al,[(WinRec PTR si).Col]
mov bh,[(WinRec PTR si).Hite]
mov bl,[(WinRec PTR si).Wide]
mov [(WinRec PTR si).Flags],SaveBit
call StoreToMem ; save whole screen to window 0
pop es
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
mov al,MAXWINDOW ; tell how many windows we support
pop bx ; can't get memory
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
ENDP InitWindows
PROC MakeWindow
; This procedure will create a window record for the passed window, but
; will not display it. If no more room exists in the window array,
; the CARRY flag will be set on return.
; On exit AL will contain the created window's "handle" for further use.
; Input
; AH - Top Row
; AL - Left Column
; BH - number of rows
; BL - number of columns
; CL - Various flags:
; Bit 0 - (1) - save underlay; (0) do not save
; Bit 1 - (1) - Frame the window; (0) do not frame
; Bit 2 - (1) - clear the window; (0) do not clear
; DH - Frame attribute
; DL - Fill attribute
; DS:SI - Title for window, null terminated
; Output
; CARRY SET if invalid window, else
; AL - window handle
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
cmp [WinInUse],al ; no more left?
jge MW_Full
mov al,[TopWindow]
inc al ; note: window 0 is always defined
mov [TopWindow],al
call GetCurWin ; compute offset to next window rec.
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
mov [(WinRec PTR si).Row],ah
mov [(WinRec PTR si).Col],al
mov [(WinRec PTR si).Wide],bl
mov [(WinRec PTR si).HIte],bh ; save the data
mov [(WinRec PTR si).FAtr],dh
mov [(WinRec PTR si).BAtr],dl
mov [(WinRec PTR si).Flags],cl
mov ax,@data
mov es,ax ; set up for move
mov di,[CurWinPtr]
mov ax,TitleFld
add di,ax ; address of title field in structure
pop si ; title address
lodsb ; get a byte....
stosb ; ... put a byte
or al,al
jnz MW_Loop ; until null is seen (and moved)
mov si,[CurWinPtr]
mov di,OFFSET CurWin
mov cx,WRSize
rep movsb ; also make a copy for ease of access
inc [WinInUse]
pop di ; stack is clear
mov al,[TopWindow] ; window handle
clc ; everything worked, clear carry
stc ; full up, set carry
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
ENDP MakeWindow
PROC DispWindow
; This procedure will display the selected window.
; Input
; AL - window handle
; Output
; CY set - invalid handle
jl DW_Good
jmp DW_Bad
push di
push si
push dx
push cx ; save the world
push bx
push ax
push si
call GetCurWin ; get the offset
mov di,OFFSET CurWin
mov cx,WRSize
rep movsb ; make a copy for ease of access
pop si ; original offset
; check for underlay save
test [CurWin.Flags],SaveBit
jz DW_NoSave
;now save the underlying bytes
mov al,[CurWin.Hite]
mov bl,[CurWin.Wide]
mul bl ; compute memory needed
mov cl,3
shr ax,cl ; make it a paragraph size
inc ax ; ( plus one for slack)
mov bx,ax
mov ah,48H
int 21H ; ask for memory
jnc DW_SaveScrn
jmp DW_Bad ; oops, got problems.
mov [CurWin.SavePtr],ax ; save the pointer
push es
mov es,ax
mov ah,[CurWin.Row]
mov al,[CurWin.Col]
mov bh,[CurWin.Hite]
mov bl,[CurWin.Wide]
xor di,di
call StoreToMem
pop es ; saved
test [CurWin.Flags],FrameBit ; frame the window?
jz DW_NoFrame
mov ah,[CurWin.Row]
mov al,[CurWin.Col]
mov bh,[CurWin.Hite]
mov bl,[CurWin.Wide]
mov dh,[CurWin.FAtr]
call FrameWindow
mov si,OFFSET CurWin.Title
xor cx,cx
lodsb ; look for end of string
or al,al
jz DW_Title
inc cx
jmp DW_Loop
or cx,cx ; anything there?
jz DW_Adj ; nope
mov al,[CurWin.Wide]
cmp al,cl
jl DW_Adj ; title too long
mov si,OFFSET CurWin.Title
mov ah,[CurWin.Row]
mov al,[CurWin.Wide]
sub al,cl
shr al,1 ; AL = ((Wide - len(Title)) / 2
add al,[CurWin.Col]
call DWriteStrNA
test [CurWin.Flags],FrameBit
jz DW_NoAdj ; if no frame do not adjust edges
inc [CurWin.Row]
inc [CurWin.Col]
dec [CurWin.Hite]
dec [CurWin.Hite]
dec [CurWin.Wide]
dec [CurWin.Wide] ; adjust for frame characters
test [CurWin.Flags],FillBit ; clear the window?
jz DW_Exit
mov ah,[CurWin.Row]
mov al,[CurWin.Col]
mov bh,[CurWin.Hite]
mov bl,[CurWin.Wide]
mov dh,[CurWin.BAtr]
mov dl,' ' ; default fill is space
call DFillCH
mov di,[CurWinPtr]
mov si,OFFSET CurWin
mov cx,WRSize ; make sure both copies of the
rep movsb ; window record are the same
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
ENDP DispWindow
PROC EraseTopWin
; THis procedure will erase the current, or top window. If the background
; was saved, it is put back. The Current Window will be set to the
; window immediately 'below' the top window.
; Input
; None
; Output
; CY - set if window stack underflow (no window to erase)
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov ah,[CurWin.Row]
mov al,[CurWin.Col]
mov bh,[CurWin.Hite]
mov bl,[CurWin.Wide]
test [CurWin.Flags],FrameBit
jz ETW_NoAdj ; no frame do not adjust
dec ah
dec al ; adjust for frame
inc bl
inc bl
inc bh
inc bh
push ds
mov dx,[CurWin.SavePtr] ; segment of image
xor si,si
call StoreToScr ; put the underlay back
pop ds
mov al,[TopWindow]
dec al
mov [TopWindow],al
call GetCurWin ; update pointer into array
mov di,OFFSET CurWin
mov cx,WRSize
rep movsb ; update copy of structure
clc ; everything ok.
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
jmp ETW_Exit
ENDP EraseTopWin
PROC WWriteStr
; This proceudre will attempt to write the passed null terminated string
; in the current window. If the starting row,col is not within the window,
; nothing is written. If the string is too long to fit the current window,
; the string is wrapped at the window edge. If the string wraps past the
; bottom of the window, the window is scrolled up.
; Input
; AH - Row
; AL - Col
; BH - Attribute
; DS:SI - string pointer
; Output
; CARRY SET if string truncated or not written.
; DS:SI points to byte following null, or character which truncated.
push di
push dx
push cx
push bx
call ClipXY ; check starting point
jz WWS_Bad ; cannot write
push ax
lodsb ; character
or al,al ; null ?
jz WWS_Exit ; yes, done.
mov bl,al ; character to bl
pop ax
mov cx,1
call DWriteCH ; write it
inc al ; next column
call ClipXY ; gone too far?
jnz WWS_Loop ; next char
inc ah ; next row if at edge
mov al,[CurWin.Col] ; start at left edge
call ClipXY ; check new row value
jnz WWS_Loop ; no problem
dec ah ; back row up one
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,06H ; ROM VIDEO BIOS service
mov al,01 ; scroll one line
mov ch,[CurWin.Row]
mov cl,[CurWin.Col]
dec cl
dec ch ; make zero based for BIOS
mov dx,cx
add dh,[CurWin.Hite]
add dl,[CurWin.Wide]
test [CurWin.Flags],FrameBit
jz WWS_NoAdj
dec dh
dec dl ; adjust for frame
mov bh,[CurWin.BAtr]
int 10H ; all set up, scroll the window
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
jmp WWS_Loop ; and keep going
pop bx
pop cx ; done all we can.
pop dx
pop di
pop ax
pop bx ; normal exit
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
ENDP WWriteStr